Friday, June 15, 2007

Friend, friend, friend...

Today went out to city to meet up with Rick Chee. As usual… we had a meal together, walked together, I sent him to his bus… then we said bye bye.

Are we close friends? I don't know but I guess I feel comfortable around him. It seems like I hardly tell him anything about me… and what is the reason? Yes, it is because he always have nothing to comment on what I told him. He was once one of my best guy friends, before he got his girl friend of course. After he got a girl friend is either me or him subconsciously we kept a distance between us, less chatting in msn, less sms texting, basically no contact. Sometime I wonder how can we still talk after these years..

All these old stories… like I said to him, I envy him, he can tell people he has a 2-3 years relationship… I envy that commitment, that love. I always hope myself can get one… but sometime it is just not up to me to decide.

This is the second time he told me the same things…catch a bus before all the buses left, not all the buses will wait for me… I don’t wan to wait at bus stop until midnight…

This catching a bus scenario really get me every time when he says it… is either because we are actually at bus central or it is because it really makes sense… it must be the latter. Hate him when he is being so frank to me… but my hate to him won't do me any good… so nahh… I don't want to waste my energy.

I am happy we are still friends until today… hopefully we will still be friends for the next couple of years… ahaha then I can have free financial advises… =]


今天的天气真是太不能了。。。只能用一个字形容- 灰!好像随时会下大雨。 我待会要下city去见个朋友,老天却那么不给脸, 只能无奈。 这位朋友的脸我真的给大了。

今天是想写些什么呢? 啊哈哈,我也不知道, 边写边想吧。我经常想写blog,但常常只是想写而并不是想写什么。大楷我就是这样unorganise 的人吧。。。 不然就是我真的不会表达自己。。。再不然就是根本没发生什么值得写的事。。 哎哟。。 看。。不organise 的就变成这样。。 自己和自己说起话来。再半个小时我就要出门了, 以我type华语的速度应该刚刚好在之前写完吧。

好。。。 到这里还是没有主题。想。。。。。想了又想。。。。
啊。。 不知道要写什么啊。
kk。。。 写近况吧。。。。 好像有一点儿无聊。。
啊哈哈。。。 还有二十分钟。。 再拖一下下。

好啦。。 写自己吧。
最近有个比我大一岁的 朋友说觉得他自己很lost, 说同年的都在工作,在为未来奋斗, 而他自己却在读一个自己不想读的master, 读完后是不是找会本行的工, 是不是转行也不清楚。
十分了解朋友的想法。。 我自己也大楷是这样的处境。 读了master后是不是就朝那个方向发展?architecture 呢?我能胜任吗?未来以前那么远,现在却那么近,想假装还懵懂, 自己都嫌不好意思了。一样的。。。 我还是不organise 的没有头绪, 想很干脆地相信‘ 船到桥头自然直’ 给人很潇洒自在的感觉。不然换个说法,我是想给点时间自己,看看情况再好好的决定。。。 这样讲好像比较成熟点吧。好啦, 随便啦。。。

时间干刚刚好, 还有两分钟,就做个结尾吧。

今天心情不错。。 比起昨天的突然Ddepression袭击, 今天心情比天气好。希望以这样的心情一步步营造未来啦。。 。首先,今天一定一定要把该做的事做好!!在明天太阳升起前一定要做完!好。。。 现在先出去,回来一定要做完!!

ja ne , matta

Monday, June 04, 2007

Deadline, die or survive

Two days to deadline or to specific 69 hours.

All I need is the final push and lots of luck!!