Friday, December 07, 2007


Hmmm...Keeping diary is really quite a dangerous thing to do. Today my diary nearly got exposed to Mr.Chan. It was so scary...Though I know from the very beginning keeping diary means you have to bear the risk someone will read your secrets in your diary. If it is a real 'secret' don't even write it down, just keep in your heart. So if you did write it down then it should be not a secret to let people know...

That's my concept... but I still feel embarrass to let people read it, maybe if they read it behind me without letting me know I will be OK... but read my diary in front of me..... >__<"'

Message to Mr.Chan, if he did come to visit this blog:
" Just read this blog is good enough, don't ever think about stealing my diary again >__< "

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Delighted heart ^^

It has been a while since my last entry... it is not that I was too busy or I forget about this blog... it is just that I can't seem to compose what have happened and what I am thinking.

November 2007.
In this month one of the days is my birthday, I celebrated my birthday with someone truly appreciate me; and the days after my birthday until recently are the sweetest days I ever had. So I can say I had a sweet November.

I started to really understand somethings I thought I understood very well last time.
Love is not give and take, it is only give without hoping for return; it is only when you give sincerely you feel the greatest happiness.

It is really good to have someone that sayang yourself. ^^
Suddenly the happy things that you encounter seems to make you extra double happy.
You smile more often.... and you GAIN WEIGHT!!
ahaha ^^ that happened to me.... have to go on diet la...

Monday, October 29, 2007



曲:侧田(On Your Mark) 词:林夕
编曲:侧田(On Your Mark) 监制:侧田(On Your Mark)

Hate myself for loving you so much
Oh I hate myself for falling back in love
Never been good at words I wanna say
I sing my love for you
I'll just let the music make sweet love to you

因她 无法得到因此心已死

我便自卑 不敢透气 已经苦得想死

  *直到一天 共你相见 被我知你从上次 开始接触
  便已就似触电 犹如得到 星光的加冕
  我没被讨厌 多得有你 我终于有这天*
  是你喜欢我 当然都爱你
  如她不敢再比 仍旧答谢你
  有你的眷恋 令我也有了生气

  愿我抛开过去一心爱你 忘掉她的气味
  若我敢再记起 对不起了你

  如果 和你一早得到好结果
  而不过 从我跟她苦恋的最初
  纵没成果 颠倒的我
  满足比伤心多 难道爱辛苦方似我 Repeat*
  是你喜欢我 当然都爱你
  如她不敢再比 仍旧答谢你
  有你的眷恋 令我也有了生气
  Oh 终于得到了被爱oh
  连我悲观也改 没有旧人存在 放心给你爱
  做人或者 不必要得到最想
  如为快乐设想 就祝福我俩

** How would you feel if someone sing this song to you?
As for me, I was touched totally...

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

I am a good girl

My colleague, the ex-Malaysian now Australian architect said Malaysian girls are still very conservative as compared to girls from other countries, they will take the duties of a woman seriously.

My boss's wife said I am very soft spoken and I am different from others girls at my age since I like to learn about cooking and housework.

My friend who I don't really know how much he knows about me said I am a very good girl. What does he means by a good girl, in what sense and how he judged, I really have no idea...

Okay.... Basically these people were trying to say I am a very family-kind of girl who is willing to cook and do all the housework, and whoever becomes my boyfriend will be very lucky.
ahaha... this is funny... I never thought people will see me like that... I am sure I am not a family kind of girl. I can't be! I like to work, I like to play, I like to go out, I like to be alone sometimes... how can I be?? Or will I be? Do they see that in me?? yes, I admit I am starting to learn about cooking and I did mention I don't mind housework... but that really does not mean I like any of these. Really want to clarify this... at least I said it out loud here, then next time I can have a proof to show people they were mistaken and I didn't mean to mislead them. ^^ I am so thoughtful =p

Anyway...Thanks for the good you all see in me, I really appreciates what you all said and I myself starting to believe I am a good girl too. ^^

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Jacky Cheung in Sydney

I headed to city straight away after the meeting is over in office. Still deciding should I go to Japanese Class or not at that time then another look at the watch, I decided I won't go to class since I was already late for class. It was a very correct decision to make, I saw so many people in the city, it was like all of the sudden all the Asian population decided to appear in the city. So many people, it made me feel excited for the concert. I met Nicholas around 7pm and we had dinner until about 740pm, just enough time to get ready to the concert. Doris was wandering around Dixon street, after meeting with her we headed right away to Sydney entertainment center.

There were already many people queuing to enter the center, again my mood got heated by seeing the scene, Doris was pretty excited too, she said this is her first concert. ^^ We were amazed by the theater. (at least me and Doris did) It was quite spacious and we got the center seats! Not bad at all. The previous concert that I went to were open air concert but this concert was indoor, the acoustic, atmosphere and seats really much more better than outdoor theaters. I remember it was raining that day on Faye Wong's concert!

The concert started pretty on time, about 815 or 820. Jacky started by singing 3 dance songs. He was so ‘百厌 ’ ( can't think of other better word to describe) jumping here and there, really not like the usual him but I loved it! I think he is cute and he was obviously high! ahaha... Of course he sangs some of his classic songs. I love the 3 songs he wrote, 瑶瑶 for the daughter, 讲你知 for the wife and
给朋友 for a passed away friend. Those 3 songs are super nice, especially the song 讲你知, I was really touched by the lyrics. Jacky Cheung also performed a small parts of 如果爱 n 雪狼湖 musical drama. He really can sing very very well! He himself already represents the entire 如果爱... the other 2 main characters were not important at all.

The concert ends at about 1140. He sang 6 encore songs~ Me and Doris both think he should have go on sing more songs, most of the people was hesitated to leave after the last song...
It is truly a memorable concert to me. ^^

Friday, October 05, 2007

My first bonquet of flowers ^^

I received my first bouquet of flowers on Tuesday, I was so happy and touched. Loved the way the flowers were presented. Everything went fine that day, happy shopping, good dinner. After dinner then I do the housekeeping, that is when I found the flowers in the dishwasher... ^^

Thank you very muchie~ you really remember what I said. ^^

Saturday, September 22, 2007

It's been a long time

It's been a long time... Lots of things happened, I should have been blogging to report all these things after all this is my intention of keeping this blog when I named it ' Every little thing'... I m sorry I didn't keep my own promise. =p Guess it is never too late, so from today onwards I will be more hardworking to update here.

Recently got to know some friends who also keep a blog... and some friends just started blogging but they already have more entry than I do.. Ehehe, my bad. I guess this is one of the motivations to get me back to blogging.

Have been going out lately, had gathering with chong hwa mates, steamboat with juniors...all thanks to mid autumn festival. We forgetful and always-busy human always need special occasions to remind us to keep in touch with friends... Mid autumn festival is actually this coming tuesday, looking forward to that day, not sure what will I be doing and whom I will celebrate with, as long as i get to light a candle and burn a lantern then I m more than happy. ^__^ (no more moon cake, thanks)

0826_ Malaysian Festival

Love malaysian food!!

0915_Sushi dinner

sushi platter!

steamboat with house mates and juniors

0921 BBQ at Eastwood lee hung's house

0922_Another steamboat (home made!)

Monday, August 27, 2007

Country Road

It has been so long... By accident, I got a chance listen to the song 'country road' from Hayao Miyazaki's movie 'mimi no sumaseba' or 'whisper of the heart'. Again, I am touched by the song.. Thanks to the blogger who post this clip from the movie in his blog... I really love it.. all the memories suddenly came back to me.

I can still remember how I was touched by the ending of the story... the part the girl sat at the dining and told the parents what she decided to do... the understanding father... the time when she waiting for the grandpa to read her book.....this is such a sweet movie.. touching and motivating...

I recommend everyone to watch this movie =] you will like it.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Friend, friend, friend...

Today went out to city to meet up with Rick Chee. As usual… we had a meal together, walked together, I sent him to his bus… then we said bye bye.

Are we close friends? I don't know but I guess I feel comfortable around him. It seems like I hardly tell him anything about me… and what is the reason? Yes, it is because he always have nothing to comment on what I told him. He was once one of my best guy friends, before he got his girl friend of course. After he got a girl friend is either me or him subconsciously we kept a distance between us, less chatting in msn, less sms texting, basically no contact. Sometime I wonder how can we still talk after these years..

All these old stories… like I said to him, I envy him, he can tell people he has a 2-3 years relationship… I envy that commitment, that love. I always hope myself can get one… but sometime it is just not up to me to decide.

This is the second time he told me the same things…catch a bus before all the buses left, not all the buses will wait for me… I don’t wan to wait at bus stop until midnight…

This catching a bus scenario really get me every time when he says it… is either because we are actually at bus central or it is because it really makes sense… it must be the latter. Hate him when he is being so frank to me… but my hate to him won't do me any good… so nahh… I don't want to waste my energy.

I am happy we are still friends until today… hopefully we will still be friends for the next couple of years… ahaha then I can have free financial advises… =]


今天的天气真是太不能了。。。只能用一个字形容- 灰!好像随时会下大雨。 我待会要下city去见个朋友,老天却那么不给脸, 只能无奈。 这位朋友的脸我真的给大了。

今天是想写些什么呢? 啊哈哈,我也不知道, 边写边想吧。我经常想写blog,但常常只是想写而并不是想写什么。大楷我就是这样unorganise 的人吧。。。 不然就是我真的不会表达自己。。。再不然就是根本没发生什么值得写的事。。 哎哟。。 看。。不organise 的就变成这样。。 自己和自己说起话来。再半个小时我就要出门了, 以我type华语的速度应该刚刚好在之前写完吧。

好。。。 到这里还是没有主题。想。。。。。想了又想。。。。
啊。。 不知道要写什么啊。
kk。。。 写近况吧。。。。 好像有一点儿无聊。。
啊哈哈。。。 还有二十分钟。。 再拖一下下。

好啦。。 写自己吧。
最近有个比我大一岁的 朋友说觉得他自己很lost, 说同年的都在工作,在为未来奋斗, 而他自己却在读一个自己不想读的master, 读完后是不是找会本行的工, 是不是转行也不清楚。
十分了解朋友的想法。。 我自己也大楷是这样的处境。 读了master后是不是就朝那个方向发展?architecture 呢?我能胜任吗?未来以前那么远,现在却那么近,想假装还懵懂, 自己都嫌不好意思了。一样的。。。 我还是不organise 的没有头绪, 想很干脆地相信‘ 船到桥头自然直’ 给人很潇洒自在的感觉。不然换个说法,我是想给点时间自己,看看情况再好好的决定。。。 这样讲好像比较成熟点吧。好啦, 随便啦。。。

时间干刚刚好, 还有两分钟,就做个结尾吧。

今天心情不错。。 比起昨天的突然Ddepression袭击, 今天心情比天气好。希望以这样的心情一步步营造未来啦。。 。首先,今天一定一定要把该做的事做好!!在明天太阳升起前一定要做完!好。。。 现在先出去,回来一定要做完!!

ja ne , matta

Monday, June 04, 2007

Deadline, die or survive

Two days to deadline or to specific 69 hours.

All I need is the final push and lots of luck!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Read my friend's blog two days ago and was inspired to write about the same topic now.

I like to collect desktop wallpapers, I can spend hours surfing for nice wallpapers. Over years, i looked back at my collection, my preference toward wallpapers changed alot. I used to like very dark colour and 3d graphic wallpapers but nowaday i tend to collect soft colours and more scenery and natural wallpapers... i think the change is good, it kinda of means i m more optimistic now... ahaha..... maybe.....

This is the wallpaper i m using now

and this is a wallpaper i found recently from a new source, i like this very much , it is just different from the others. The title of this wallpaper is 'google library', cute huh...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Spoiled child

Will someone love me for who I am?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Third week of first semester 2007

Wow... look at the date, today is 16 March 2007, 2 weeks passed since my previous entry, 2 days to my sister's birthday and 3 more days entering fourth week of this semester. What can I say? Time flies!

Three weeks passed since I came back to Sydney. I m good. Study is getting busier, already started my sleepless nights rushing for design. Our unit is much tidy then before and we are starting our rooster to cook. Everything is getting better only the weather is still as hot as the first day I landed.

I can foresee this semester is going to be a enjoyable semester. These 3 weeks I have been enjoying, it is really a good start. Yeah~ everything will sure be fine if this good feeling keep going throughout the semester.

Arg... I m missing my friends... hope out there there is someone missing me too .. ehehe =]

Tomorrow going for a day trip to Canberra, yeah.. let's have fun friends.


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Take the next Train

there is no use looking back to the past
there is no use wondering what can be undone or redo
there is no use regretting what is said and done
yes, I understand all these and I definitely aware how silly I was and I Still am

there is no point to wait when there is nobody is there for u
there is no point being silly when there is no one there to say u cute
there is no point being sad when nobody knows
cuz, in the end is just all back to myself and I am here counting on myself

I shall take the next train
where is the destination? I don't care
when is it coming? as soon as possible, in my heart I hope

I am ready to go

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Its has been 2 weeks since I start working in this company and very soon, next friday will be my last day. Time flies.

Not much things I can say about my job this time, it is not an architectural practise but I still appreaciate it. This job is purely business, it is all about trading money and goods; productions, customers and suppliers. I m glad that I was given the chance, before this I never really understood how a business works.

I think alot about my future whenever I work, maybe simply because working life reminds me of growing up, reality and responsibilities.... It is not like I m very pessimistic about my future, I just wonder how it is going to be liked. Especially in this place I m currently working at, there are 3 newly wedded wifes, I can see how marriage and work affects one's life, this made me think even more. Am I going to be a housewife even I have graduated with Barch? or am I going to work my life off and not getting a life? ....... tricky, I don't know the answer but of course I hope for the better, the best; do what I can do to achieve the better, the best. =]

Most of my friends has gone to the next stage of life - working life, after they finished their studies. I m one leg stepping into the stage as well.... Feel like singing the S.H.E's song 'don't want to grow up' ... ahaha...

I know I m considered very lucky. Many people at my age has already worked for years and I still get the chance to study for another two years, what more can I ask? However, think of the other way round, some people at my age already has a family, a loving husband, lovely children and maybe friendly parents in-law. What they do everyday is all about the family affair, houseworks, checking daughter's homework, accompany parents to pasar.... Things like that can also make like very meaningful, just depends on how you look at everyday. Seriously, everyone lives a different life and the choice is up to you.

A friend's friend told me about his thought about this women's working topic. He said the most sacred work and greatest work a woman can do is to take care of the family. He absolutely want his future wife to be a housewife at home and do her best for the family. I am kinda surprised, nowadays guys don't usually talk like this anymore. I am surprised by the thought and also by his sincerity in believing women can make the best family.

Ahh.. I m slipping away from the topic. To conclude this, I just wanted to say I am not ready for working life but yet I m looking forward for it as I think it might be interesting and challenging... It is a thing I would like to try.

Carrot, Egg or Coffee

Something i read from a forwarded email touched me... It is very interesting and very true.
I forwarded the email to most of my friends but i still wan to post some part of it here as I hope to share with everyone I know...

Here is part of the article ...

A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to boil.

In the first she placed carrots, in the second she placed eggs, and in the last she placed ground coffee beans. She let them sit and boil, without saying a word. In about twenty minutes she turned off the burners. She fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. She pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then she ladled the coffee out and placed it in a bowl.

Turning to her daughter, she asked, "Tell me, what do you see?"

Her mother explained that each of these objects had faced the same adversity . boiling water. Each reacted differently. The carrot went in strong, hard, and unrelenting. However, after being subjected to the boiling water, it softened and became weak. The egg had been fragile. Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior, but after sitting through the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique, however. After they were in the boiling water, they had changed the water.

"Which are you?" she asked her daughter.

"When adversity knocks on your door, how do you respond?

Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean?"

**The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way.